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Self-Care Tips for Mental Heath

Mental health is an important aspect of an individual's every day life that includes their emotional, psychological, and social well-being and affects the ability to think, feel, and act. It is also an important factor that helps to determine how one approaches and handles stress. Throughout the stages of life, mental health plays a key role in leading individuals toward success. It is crucial for individuals to ensure that they are doing the most to care for their mental health and wellbeing. Here are some useful self-care tips below: 

1. Take a few deep breaths

If feeling overwhelmed, it is important to take a few deep breaths to help remain cool. This is proven to help individuals relax and is one of the best ways to help reduce stress levels. 

2. Stretch

When exercising and stretch, endorphins are released from the body. Endorphins are a chemical that interact with the receptors in the brain and also trigger a positive feeling in the body.

3. Listen to music

There is evidence that music can help to lower levels of cotisol which is a stress hormone. Music has also shown to be beneficial for various mental health coniditions. 

4. Cooking/baking

Cooking and baking can be used as a form of behavioural activation. It helps individuals to feel a sense of control and purpose. This can also be another way to help relieve stress and improve mental health. 

5. Arts & craft

Art and craft plays a valuable role in mental health since it helps to boost confidents and increases engagement and resilence. It also has the benefits of alleviating anxiety, depression, and stress.

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